Sunday, October 11, 2009

Water Conservation Project Modifications

I've spoken with our kind professor and we are going to have to work out a place for me to implement my project. She also mentioned that I would probably have to make some big modifications with regards to the amount of time that I can do it since I have to essentially borrow students.

One idea that I will certainly do is have the students work in groups for the presentation piece. For time purposes, that would eliminate having to use up an hour a day for an entire week in order for the students to make the presentations. Having about five groups could easily be knocked out in one hour of one day. This would also enhance the creativity and work of the project since it would require the students to synergize and collaborate ideas and research in order to come up with an insightful presentation.

This is a pretty tough posting this week. When and if I come up with any more ideas I'll add them to my comments, or piggy back off of any that I receive.


  1. Clayton, Sounds like you have quite a challenge ahead of you. I did try to get a class for you to try this out on. I haven't heard back from the teacher. I think it is a good idea to keep it simple. Think of the content you want them to actually walk away knowing. Use technology only to support what you are trying to accomplish. Keep us posted on who your target is..

  2. I too have to borrow students and it is important to remember that you don't have as much time as you would if it was your own class. However, try and find a teacher that is excited about your project because they will be more willing to give time. With that said, I think having students work in groups is a good idea. That always encourages students creativity because they have to blend different ideas. As long as your expectations are clear from the beginning but you don't tell them how to complete the project there will be plenty of creativity.

  3. Hey
    Must be much more difficult to do this project without a classroom of your own. I don't envy you! I agree with your assessment that a group project is best in this situation--not many classroom teachers can afford to spend too much class time on in-class presentations. Good luck finding a classroom you can use and good luck with your project. I'm sure you'll figure out how to have plenty of creativity in your project.
