Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Developments on the Water Conservation Project

I have had the opportunity to ask around a bit and try to find a teacher that will host me and allow me to work with her class. The same teacher that I'm using as a client in EDIT 6200 is going to allow me to come in two times for 30-45 minutes each in order to execute my project. My goal will be to introduce them to the spreadsheet that will be filling out one day on the amount of water their family consumes on an average day, and I'd also like to set up a Moodle site that will feature a discussion forum. This forum will have an initial post by me that asks a few questions having the students predict how much water their family uses, and think about some ways they may be able to cut back, or even if they think that they should. I would also go into detail about the presentation that I would like for them to create using their choice of Powerpoint, Front Page, or Movie Maker. My second visit would be all about them, and they would take that time to show me the findings that they collected and provide their short presentations. I may be putting some additional work on their teacher, and I hope that isn't the case.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a great idea but a lot to do in two visits. You might just want to use a general in class discussion instead of setting up a Moodle site. It seems like you will be showing them to use a spreadsheet, a presentation program and discussion in Moodle. It sounds like a lot for two 45 minute class periods. What age group is the class? I just think that it is important to avoid putting too much on the classroom teacher with so much use of technology. I guess it depends on whether the teacher has time, is comfortable with the technology and how well the kids know the tools you plan to use. It is a great idea though and I am looking forward to hearing how it goes.
