Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Final 7500 Post

So we've reached the summit of 7500. What a long wild ride it has been. It most certainly has has it's ups and downs but for the most part I have had two major breakthroughs that I didn't see coming.

The first was setting up and learning how to blog. I've seen people use the blogger website in some other classes and I was never that impressed with the layout that they used, they were just boring! So I never had any kind of inkling to do my own but for this course it was a requirement, and that prompted me to really shop around and find a layout that I liked, and it turned out that my author roommate had a really cool blog that I liked a ton and I copied his format on this blog here and I've been very happy with it.

The second major breakthrough that I had in this course was podcasting. I never figured that I would want to create my own podcasts or have any use for them until I virtually attended last years NECC Ed Tech Conferences. I watched two incredible podcasts on the benefits of podcasting in the classroom and became incredibly inspired. I used the idea for my Individual Integration Project as well as my part of the service project in 6200, and part of my final project in that course as well. I will use this skill basically until my computer breaks.

The course has had other great opportunities and assignments, but to sum it up, the two things that I learned in this course that I will use the rest of my career are blogs and podcasts. Learning and working on those two new ideas for me has been fantastic. It's been a pleasure everyone. Thanks for all the comments and feedback. Good luck with your projects, and your other life endeavors.


  1. I agree Clayton, I never blogged or really knew much about them. After setting mine up for this class I created one for my own class. I still haven't played much with podcasts, I seem to just turn them into movies using iMovie. That is n my to do list... Well this is it for me I'm finished and graduated,,,,, good Luck in you future endeavors!

  2. Blogging and podcasting are two great tools to use in the future. I already used a blog before this class so although that wasn't new to me, the idea of possibly using it with students interests me. I think it would be great in the classroom. I virtually attended the podcasting sessions as well and was surprised by what I learned. I hope to play with them more in the future and thought you did a great job when using it for 6200 and this class. Enjoy your break!

  3. Hey
    yeah, I think learning how to blog was good. I've blogged before (on the studio site) but it's not the same. I'm glad we had to do that.
    I haven't podcasted yet, but I think that would be a really cool thing to learn how to do.
    Anyway, enjoy your break and it's been fun this semester!
