Sunday, September 13, 2009

Breaking the LoTi Code

Over the last two weeks I have been greatly challenged by a.) getting my assignments done on time, and b.) the LoTi levels.  So after a long day of watching my Dolphins get hammered by the Falcons, and being shocked by Kanye West's antics at the VMAs, I have decided it's high time I put the LoTi levels into words and examples that I can understand and share with my fellow bloggers!

I've taken the last hour and half or so to look back over examples we've given, archives, and articles about these Levels of Technology Implementation in order to get the grasp.  What I decided to do is share them in silly examples, and please feel free to use the comment section to call me out on how off I am, or praise me for championing your cause in finally understanding it. Enjoy:

Level 0- All eyes on me and this chalkboard class.  If ya'll are good I may change things up and use the overhead projector.  Bam-Bam, leave Pebbles alone!

Level 1- It's Friday boys & girls and grades are due in an hour, time to watch Bill Nye the Science Guy on VHS! While ya'll are busy I'll be importing your grades on IGPro and checking my Lotus Notes, so you better ask your questions right now.

Level 2- Class, big news today, we're gonna type our papers on President Carter on MS Works in the computer lab!  Please raise your hand when your ready to print.  I'd let you do it yourself but the LSTC is giving me the evil eye.

Level 3- After you log in today class, go to the shared drive and fill out the spreadsheet you'll find in our class folder with the data that you have collected from the library.  

Level 4a- Ok gang, today we are gonna try out this Webquest on the Civil War that Mrs. White from down the hall put together for the grade level.  If something doesn't make sense I'll go ask her what the deal is, I guess.

Level 4b- Ok gang, today we are gonna try out this Webquest on the Civil War that I put together for the grade level.  If something doesn't make sense I can definitely help you!

Level 5- When we get to the lab today class, check your email to see if your pen pal from our sister class in Scotland answered your questions about how their family conserves energy.  You can use that information to enhance your Powerpoints.

Level 6-  The essential question for your project is:  What can I do to end global warming?  We'll be going to the library every Tuesday and Thursday for the next 3 weeks, where you can use their computers and check out the video equipment if you like.  Remember to save the transcripts and emails of any scientists or businesses that you contact, and that your multimedia presentation must be between 10-15 minutes. Oh and have fun.


  1. BRAVO!!! MUst have been a bad day for all of that sarcasm....LOL.. anyway I like it and now feel that the weseed will be a LOTi 6-- and I will proceed using that as my project.. I also emailed my friend regarding your assignment to see if she is interested,, you know though some teachers have difficulty letting go of the reign...

  2. A great perspective on the LoTi levels. I think they are a useful tool in determining technology integration. I know so many teachers that have no idea how to use technology or think that going to the computer lab is integrating technology. It all depends on how you use it though. It is interesting to see the difference between the first LoTi level and the last. It does put technology integrating into perspective!

  3. LOL! Actually, rotfl. I think you did a great job of breaking this down into "student friendly" terms. It shows you actually understood the concept enough to poke gentle fun at it. Good job!
